A Proposal during the Pandemic to help small businesses asked to perform a social-welfare function.
Economics Without The B.S.**:
[** Double entendre intended.]
So far, restaurants not recovering in the usual March to August time period -- data is only up to June.
If we are asking restaurants to operate at half capacity while we deal with the pandemic, are we asking them to perform a public welfare function? Should localities be paying for/reimbursing businesses for performing a public health function?
Can we do this by floating (selling) a bond issue by the local government, and the bondholders would be paid by the localities raising the sales tax? Can we float the bond on the public market, like other municipal bonds? Or, can the federal government/state government subsidize the bond's issuance? Or better yet (?) can our Fed be the buyer of the bonds, to subsidize the issuance, keep the bonds on their balance sheet as inactive reserves (like they did with mortgage pools from the Financial Crisis of 2008), not part of the money supply, somwhat similar to what any central bank does when a nation goes to war? -- this is sort of a national emergency.