About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
The blog 'Breaking Bread' is for a civil general discussion, like you might have at the dinner table with guests. The posts 'Economics Without the B.S.' are intended for a general audience that wouldn't have to know the difference between a Phillips Curve, a Laffer Curve, or a Cole Hamels Curve. Vic Volpe was formally educated at Penn State and the University of Scranton, with major studies in History, Economics and Finance, and Business; and, is self-educated since by way of books and on-line university courses. His practical education came from sixty years of work experience in the blue-collar trades as well as a white-collar professional career -- a white-collar professional career in production and R&D. In his professional career and as a long-haul trucker, he has traveled throughout the lower forty-eight. From his professional career alone he has visited many manufacturing plants in the United States, Europe and China. He has lived in major metropolitan areas and very small towns in various parts of the United States. He served three years with the U.S. Army as an enlisted man, much of that time in Germany.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Let us start a Ukraine War, to really free Ukraine


Economics Without The B.S.**: 

[**  Double entendre intended.]

Concerning Trump's meeting with Zelenskyy today:

Just a hypothetical here: This aggression will not stand!

Those were the words of President Bush in 1990 when Saddam Hussein, the dictatorial Iraqi leader, invaded his neighbor, an oil-rich nation, Kuwait.  In Operation Desert Storm we injected the U.S. Military into the Middle East to extract the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait which started the Persian Gulf War in 1990. The U.S. had no defense treaty with Kuwait in 1990 or prior to that. President Bush did go to the United Nations to get a resolution to support the U.S. military effort with a coalition of over thirty countries. The resolution was to kick the Iraqi troops out of Kuwait, and not to invade Iraq; which is what we did.

Let’s do the same thing for Ukraine. Except we will never be able to get a UN resolution. But we should be able to get a European coalition, if not more. Kick Russia out of Ukraine, include Crimea; but do not invade Russia. Quietly dare China to enter in the conflict on the side of Putin.

And if Putin wants to use nuclear weapons, even though we would not be in Russian territory; well, we have nuclear weapons also.

What do you think would happen? And how long would this clean-up operation last?

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