Economics Without The B.S.**:
[** Double entendre intended.]
Tariffs can do all kinds of things -- a source of revenue, protect domestic industry, use as leverage in negotiations. In the manner Trump is using them, they create instability in the economic sphere; not good for business, internationally or domestically. And a questionable strategy for pursuing our national security objectives. It doesn't say much for your negotiating skills, nor your skills in leadership; after all we are perceived as the leader in international relations. A skill we seemed to have forgotten.
If you think Trump is a business mogul, like the make-believe act on the television show ‘The Apprentice’, I will remind you that he had six business bankruptcies, and that was his main business – construction and casino/hotel operations – not including side ventures like Trump Champagne, Trump Steaks, Trump Airline, and Trump University. His last business bankruptcy was in 2009, when he refused to make a $50 million loan payment and wanted it renegotiated, which the lender rejected. His board of directors held a meeting in which Trump, as the CEO, argued with them. They demoted him and reduced his share in the company; firing him as the CEO – and you can look that up. That is quite an irony because in 2009 he was still doing ‘The Apprentice’ show where he was showing his make-believe business acumen and firing people.
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